Resource Auditing
  • 12 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Resource Auditing

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Article Summary


Azure Documenter allows users to generate an audit log report for their Azure Subscriptions. The report contains the changes made in a Subscription during the selected timespan. The details include resources that are created, updated, and deleted with the cost incurred.

Document structure

  • It includes an overall audit summary of the resources that have been added, removed or modified among the subscription(s) with the cost incurred.
  • A brief description over the subscription's resource count and cost incurred further grouped in the terms of resource types added, Resource types modified, Resource types deletd, Resource groups added and Resource groups modified.
  • A section that displays the list of subscriptions that have no audit logs.

res aud.png

Generate a document

  1. Click New configuration in the Azure Documenter homepage
  2. Enter a name to the document configuration and click Next
  3. Choose the required subscriptions and click Next
  4. Select Resource auditing as the document type, Choose the Currency type in which the cost details are to be displayed and set the billing date range

The Billing date range should be specified by selecting one among the dropdown options or by specifying a custom date range with a maximum limit of 90 days.

  1. Click Next
  2. Filters can be defined to narrow down the document content
  3. Click Next
  4. Choose the publish settings and click Next
  5. Configure notification channels
  6. Click Generate

Once the generation is completed, the URL will be generated. The user will also be able to download the generated document via the Download hyperlink.


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